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Gravity beneficiation test of calcium tungsten ore

update date :2023-07-25 12:20:09Number of views: author:锦强选矿设备

Gravity beneficiation test of calcium tungsten ore

Calcium tungsten ore is an important tungsten resource with high tungsten content, but mining is difficult. In order to improve the recovery rate of calcium tungsten ore, we conducted gravity beneficiation experiments. This article will provide a detailed introduction to the operational steps and results of the gravity beneficiation test for calcium tungsten ore.

钙钨矿重力选矿试验 1. Experimental Principles

Gravity beneficiation is a physical beneficiation method that utilizes the different force sizes of materials in the gravity field to separate materials of different densities. The principle of gravity beneficiation is to separate materials of different densities by utilizing the different force sizes of materials in the gravity field, in order to achieve the purpose of separation. Gravity beneficiation mainly includes different beneficiation methods such as gravity separation, flotation, magnetic separation, etc.

2、 Test steps

1. Preparation before the experiment

Before the gravity beneficiation test of 钙钨矿重力选矿试验 calcium tungsten ore, pre experimental preparation work is required, including preparation of beneficiation equipment, preparation of beneficiation test samples, and cleaning of the experimental site.

2. Test operation

(1) Firstly, the calcium tungsten ore sample is crushed and screened to obtain mineral samples with different particle sizes.

钙钨矿重力选矿试验 (2) Place mineral samples into the beneficiation equipment and adjust the parameters of the beneficiation equipment according to experimental requirements, such as water flow rate, slope, etc.

(3) Start the beneficiation equipment and conduct gravity beneficiation experiments.

(4) Based on the experimental results, adjust the parameters of the beneficiation equipment and conduct the experiment again until the ideal beneficiation effect is achieved.

3. Analysis of test results

Based on the test results, evaluate the effectiveness of the gravity beneficiation test for calcium tungsten ore. The evaluation indicators include the recovery rate and grade of the ore.

3、 Test results

After multiple experiments, we have achieved ideal beneficiation results. The final ore recovery rate reached over 90%, and the grade increased by about 20%.

4、 Conclusion

The gravity beneficiation test of calcium tungsten ore is an effective beneficiation method that can improve the recovery rate and grade of calcium tungsten ore. This article introduces the operational steps and results of the gravity beneficiation test for calcium tungsten ore, hoping to be helpful to relevant researchers.

钙钨矿重力选矿试验 Gravity beneficiation test of calcium tungsten ore
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