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Method for selecting white tin ore

update date :2023-07-25 12:16:31Number of views: author:锦强矿山设备

Method for selecting white tin ore

White tin ore is an important type of tungsten ore, which contains tungsten elements that can be used to manufacture high-strength alloy materials. Therefore, it has a wide range of applications in modern industrial production. However, the beneficiation process of white tin ore is relatively complex and requires some special methods to effectively carry out beneficiation. This article will introduce several common methods for selecting white tin ore for readers' reference.

1、 Reselection method

The gravity separation method is a relatively common method for selecting white tin ore, and its basic principle is to separate impurities and minerals in the ore through the action of gravity. The specific operation steps are as follows:

1. Crush the white tin ore into appropriate sizes and select the appropriate particle size through a sieve;

选白锡矿方法2. Place the ore into a gravity separator and separate it into heavy and light ores through the action of gravity;

3. The proportion of white tin ore in heavy ore is relatively high, which can be further processed and refined.

选白锡矿方法 II. Flotation method

Flotation method is a method of separating tin ore and impurities by utilizing differences in surface properties of minerals. Its basic principle is to separate tin ore and impurities through differences in physical and chemical properties of mineral surfaces. The specific operation steps are as follows:

1. Crush the white tin ore into appropriate size and screen out the appropriate particle size through a sieve;

2. Place the ore in a flotation cell and add a certain amount of reagent;

3. Reagents will produce a layer of foam on the surface of white tin ore, while impurities will not produce foam. White tin ore and impurities will be separated by the buoyancy of foam.

3、 Magnetic separation method

Magnetic separation method is a method of separating tin ore and impurities by utilizing differences in mineral magnetism. Its basic principle is to separate tin ore and impurities through magnetism. The specific operation steps are as follows:

1. Crush the white tin ore into appropriate size and screen out the appropriate particle size through a sieve;

2. Put the ore into the magnetic separator and add a certain amount of reagent;

3. The agent will produce a certain degree of magnetism on the surface of the white tin ore, while impurities will not produce magnetism. Through magnetism, the white tin ore and impurities will be separated.

4、 Heavy medium beneficiation method

The heavy medium beneficiation method is a method of separating tin ore and impurities by using mineral density difference. Its basic principle is to separate tin ore and impurities through heavy medium. The specific operation steps are as follows:

1. Crush the white tin ore into appropriate size and screen out the appropriate particle size through a sieve;

2. Place the ore in a heavy medium concentrator and add a certain amount of heavy medium;

选白锡矿方法3. Heavy media will separate the white tin ore and impurities into different density layers, and separate the white tin ore and impurities through layering.


The above introduces several common methods for selecting white tin ore, each with its unique advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to choose a suitable method for beneficiation based on the actual situation. At the same time, attention should be paid to protecting the environment and avoiding pollution during the beneficiation process. I hope this article can be helpful to readers.

Method for selecting white tin ore
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