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Beneficiation technology of titanium iron tailings

update date :2023-07-25 12:09:00Number of views: author:锦强选矿设备

Beneficiation technology of titanium iron tailings

Ilmenite tailing refers to the waste generated in the beneficiation process of Ilmenite, which is mainly composed of titanium dioxide and iron, and also contains some impurities. Due to the large amount of titanium dioxide in its composition, the recycling and utilization of titanium iron tailings has always been a research hotspot in the mineral processing industry. This article will introduce the principles and operational steps of titanium iron tailings beneficiation technology, helping readers understand the latest developments in this field.

1、 The principle of titanium iron tailings beneficiation technology

The principle of titanium iron tailings beneficiation technology is to use physical and chemical methods to separate and purify titanium iron tailings. Specifically, it mainly includes the following steps:

钛铁尾砂选矿技术1. Crushing: Crush the titanium iron tailings to ensure uniform particle size.

2. Magnetic separation: Magnetic separation is carried out on the crushed titanium iron tailings, and the iron minerals in them are separated using magnetic differences.

钛铁尾砂选矿技术3. Gravity separation: gravity separation is carried out on the titanium iron tailings after magnetic separation, and the heavy minerals are separated by density difference.

钛铁尾砂选矿技术4. Acid leaching: Acid leaching is performed on the re selected titanium iron tailings, and impurities are dissolved in an acidic solution.

5. Solution treatment: Treat the acid soaked solution to extract and purify titanium dioxide.

The above steps are the basic principles of titanium iron tailings beneficiation technology. Different beneficiation methods and equipment may vary, but they are generally carried out around this principle.

2、 Operation steps of titanium iron tailings beneficiation technology

1. Crushing: The titanium iron tailings are fed into a crusher for crushing to obtain particles of appropriate size.

2. Magnetic separation: The crushed titanium iron tailings are fed into a magnetic separator for magnetic separation, separating the iron minerals from them.

3. Gravity separation: The magnetically separated titanium iron tailings are fed into a gravity separator for gravity separation, separating the heavy minerals from them.

4. Acid leaching: The re selected titanium iron tailings are sent to an acid leaching tank for acid leaching, and impurities are dissolved using an acidic solution.

5. Solution treatment: The acid soaked solution is sent to the extraction equipment for treatment to obtain purified titanium dioxide.

The above operation steps require the use of corresponding beneficiation equipment and chemical reagents, and the specific operation needs to be adjusted according to the actual situation. Attention should be paid to safety during operation to avoid chemical leakage and equipment failure.

钛铁尾砂选矿技术 III. Conclusion

The titanium iron tailings beneficiation technology is an important waste recycling and utilization technology, with simple principles and operating steps, but requiring the use of certain equipment and chemical reagents. At present, the titanium iron tailings beneficiation technology has been widely applied and promoted, which is of great significance for improving resource utilization and environmental protection.

Beneficiation technology of titanium iron tailings
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