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Zirconium titanium sand beneficiation production line

update date :2023-07-25 05:19:54Number of views: author:锦强选矿机械

Zirconium titanium sand beneficiation production line

Zirconium titanium sand is an important metal mineral resource widely used in fields such as aerospace, shipbuilding, automotive, electronics, chemical, pharmaceutical, etc. The zirconium titanium sand beneficiation production line is a production line that extracts zirconium titanium sand from raw ore through physical or chemical treatment. This article will introduce the operating steps of the zirconium titanium sand beneficiation production line, hoping to be helpful for the production work of the zirconium titanium sand beneficiation production line.

1、 Treatment of raw ore

The first step of the zirconium titanium sand beneficiation production line is to process the raw ore. Raw ores are generally collected from mines, which contain zircon, Rutile, Magnetite, Hematite, Ilmenite and other minerals. The treatment of raw ore can be carried out using physical or chemical methods.

1. Physical methods

Physical methods mainly include screening, gravity separation, magnetic separation, etc. Firstly, the raw ore is screened and divided into different particle sizes. Then gravity separation is carried out to separate ores containing zircon, Rutile and other minerals. Finally, magnetic separation is carried out to separate the ore containing magnetic minerals.

锆钛砂选矿生产线2. Chemical methods

Chemical methods mainly include leaching, extraction, etc. Leaching refers to soaking raw ore in acidic or alkaline solution to dissolve zircon, Ilmenite and other minerals. Extraction refers to the separation of zircon, Ilmenite and other minerals in the leaching solution.

2、 Extraction of Zirconium Titanium Sand

After processing the original ore, zirconium titanium sand has been separated, but it still contains impurities. The extraction of zirconium titanium sand requires fine processing to remove impurities from it.

1. Iron removal

Zirconium titanium sand often contains iron, so iron removal treatment is necessary. Iron removal can be achieved through methods such as magnetic separation and gravity separation. Separate the ore containing iron element to obtain zirconium titanium sand with iron removal.

2. Desilication

Zirconium titanium sand often contains silicon, so silicon removal treatment is necessary. Silicon removal can be achieved through methods such as flotation and extraction. Separate the ore containing silicon element to obtain zirconium titanium sand for silicon removal.

3. Titanium removal

Zirconium titanium sand often contains titanium, so titanium removal treatment is necessary. Titanium removal can be achieved through methods such as leaching and extraction. Separate the ore containing titanium element to obtain titanium free zirconium titanium sand.

3、 Processing of Zirconium Titanium Sand

After the extraction of zirconium titanium sand, it still needs to be processed to meet the needs of different fields. The processing of zirconium titanium sand can adopt methods such as melting and crushing.

1. Melting

Zirconium titanium sand can be melted to obtain metals such as zirconium and titanium. Melting can use equipment such as electric arc furnaces and induction furnaces. Melt zirconium titanium sand to obtain metals such as zirconium and titanium.

2. Crushing

Zirconium titanium sand can be crushed to obtain different particle sizes of zirconium titanium sand. Grinding can be done using equipment such as ball mills and grinders. Crush the zirconium titanium sand to obtain different particle sizes of zirconium titanium sand.

4、 Conclusion

The zirconium titanium sand beneficiation production line is a production line that extracts zirconium titanium sand from raw ore through physical or chemical treatment. The treatment of raw ore can be done using physical or chemical methods, and the extraction of zirconium titanium sand requires fine processing to remove impurities from it. The processing of zirconium titanium sand can adopt methods such as melting and crushing. The operation steps of the zirconium titanium sand beneficiation production line need to be strictly mastered to ensure the smooth progress of production work.

锆钛砂选矿生产线 Zirconium titanium sand beneficiation production line
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