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Binhai Sand Mine Gravity Separation Equipment

update date :2023-07-25 05:17:55Number of views: author:锦强矿业装备

Binhai Sand Mine Gravity Separation Equipment

With the development of the economy, the demand for mineral resources is increasing, and the mining of mineral resources is also becoming increasingly difficult. Coastal sand mines are a common mineral resource, but due to their high sand content and uneven particle size, their mining is difficult. In order to improve the mining efficiency and reduce costs of coastal sand mines, gravity separation equipment has become an essential part. This article will introduce the relevant knowledge and operating steps of the seaside sand ore gravity separation equipment.

1、 Types of Gravity Separation Equipment for Seashore Sand Mines

1. Shaker

The 海滨沙矿重选设备 shaker is a common gravity separation equipment, whose main principle is to use the different weights of materials in the water flow to make the heavy materials sink and the light materials float by shaking the bed surface, thus achieving the purpose of separation. The advantages of a shaker are simple operation and easy maintenance, but its sorting efficiency is low and it is only suitable for coarse-grained materials.

2. Spiral sorting machine

Spiral sorting machine is a device that uses spiral blades to transport materials from the inlet to the outlet. Its advantages are high sorting efficiency and wide applicability, but its disadvantage is that maintenance is more difficult.

3. Cone sorting machine

A conical sorting machine is a device that uses a conical sorting chamber to separate materials. Its advantages are high sorting efficiency, wide application range, and convenient maintenance, but its disadvantage is high price.

2、 Operating Steps of Seashore Sand Mine Gravity Separation Equipment

1. Preparation work

Before using the seaside sand ore gravity separation equipment, some preparation work needs to be done. The first step is to inspect and maintain the equipment to ensure that it is in normal working condition. Secondly, the material is screened to separate coarse and fine particles for subsequent operations.

2. Adjusting the equipment

Adjust the parameters of the equipment based on the characteristics of the material, including feed flow rate, water flow rate, inclination angle, etc. The purpose of the adjustment is to enable the equipment to maximize its sorting efficiency.

海滨沙矿重选设备3. Conduct sorting

The material is fed into the equipment through the feeding port and separated into materials of different particle sizes through the internal sorting chamber of the equipment. The sorted materials can be directly output through the discharge port or further processed through subsequent processing.

4. Cleaning equipment

After use, the equipment needs to be cleaned to prevent accumulation inside the equipment and affect its next use. The cleaning methods include water flushing, mechanical brushing, etc.

海滨沙矿重选设备 III. Application of Seashore Sand Mine Gravity Separation Equipment

The seaside sand ore gravity separation equipment is widely used in industries such as mining, metallurgy, and building materials. Its main function is to separate materials with high sand content and uneven particle size, improve material utilization, and reduce costs. At the same time, the application of gravity separation equipment also provides strong support for the mining of mineral resources and promotes economic development.


The seaside sand ore gravity separation equipment is an essential mineral resource mining equipment with a wide variety of types and applications. By adjusting and operating the equipment, it is possible to maximize material utilization and reduce costs. Therefore, in the process of mining mineral resources, the coastal sand ore gravity separation equipment plays an important role.

海滨沙矿重选设备 Binhai Sand Mine Gravity Separation Equipment
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